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What Is UCAN?

We are neighbors who have come together out of mutual desire for a greater sense of community and deeper neighborhood connection, and to preserve and enhance the safety and well-being of this wonderful slice of Berkeley and Oakland that we call home.


We are forming a new neighborhood organization called UCAN (Uplands Claremont Area Neighbors), to improve our communications and emergency preparedness, host neighborhood gatherings and make our streets and homes more secure.

The cost of the annual membership dues will depend upon participation. We are not asking for any money right now—just a commitment to pay the dues if we achieve the necessary critical mass. We expect annual dues to be under $250.


We plan on hosting at least three community events each year:

  • Annual membership meeting (at the Claremont Club on Hillcrest)

  • Emergency Preparedness gathering

  • Annual Fourth of July parade and festivities at Round Park (a tradition for more than sixty years)

helping hands

UCAN will be a voluntary membership, dues-based, non-profit organization focused on the common interests of the 540 or so households within our area of the historic Claremont Tract.

Number of Neighbors who have pledged to join UCAN so far. Click Join Us to help us meet our goal of at least 250 households!


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