UCAN: Uplands Claremont Area Neighbors
About 30 neighbors volunteered to form a Steering Committee to brainstorm what this new association should be. We came up with UCAN, a voluntary membership, dues-based, non-profit organization focused on the common interests of the 540 or so households within our area of the historic Claremont Tract. The UCAN boundaries are Claremont Avenue to the west, Hillcrest and Eucalyptus Roads to the south, Tunnel Road to the north and Roble Road to the east. Anyone who lives within those boundaries on Hazel Road, Domingo Avenue, Oakvale Avenue, The Plaza Drive, Parkside Drive, Nogales Street, Encina Place, The Uplands, Hillcrest Road, Hillcrest Court, Eucalyptus Road, Oak Ridge Road, El Camino Real, Roble Road or Roble Court is invited and encouraged to join, whether your home is in Berkeley or Oakland, and whether you are a homeowner or a tenant.
If you are ready to join your neighbors in making our little neck of the woods an even more extraordinary and wonderful place to live, JOIN US and share your contact information.
The members of the Steering Committee are Allan Abshez, Alan Levy, Rhonda Donato, Tushar Ranchod, Bill Falik, Carrie Avery, Larry Hobel, Emily Dybwad, Rick Catterton, Ken Dupee, Paul Churchill, Ellen Jacobs, Karin Joffe, Paul Valenstein, Sophie Yu Christopher, Jason Donchin, Joan Price, Millicent Johnson, John Faxio, Jeremy Rosenblatt, Jane Logan, Elena Eger, Gay Auerbach, Joe Wadcam, Doug Sovern, Richard Shapiro, Sophie McNeil, Rick Marcus, Linda Campbell, Tim Campbell, Holly Coates-Bash and Gordon Wozniak.
The Steering Committee formed five subcommittees to address various aspects of the proposal. Please visit the COMMITTEES page to learn more about those.