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Flock license plate reader



One of UCAN’s primary goals is to help make our neighborhood safer. Our first initiative is to install nine Automatic License Plate Reader cameras to both deter crime and help catch those who commit it, to supplement the three that our neighbors on Hillcrest and Eucalyptus have already installed. We have chosen Flock Safety, the same private company they used, as the vendor. Flock’s cameras are already making a difference across the Bay Area, and since the three were installed on Hillcrest and Eucalyptus, there has been a noticeable drop in crimes against people and property. These cameras are not a panacea, but law enforcement experts do think they make a difference. A Flock camera led directly to the recent arrest of the suspects in the armed carjacking of one of our neighbors.

We know that many of us have questions about how these cameras will work. Here are answers from Flock Safety to some that have been posed:

  • How much do these cameras cost? It is $650 per camera to install, and then $2500 per year per camera for operation, maintenance, storage of data, etc. These costs will be covered by UCAN’s annual dues.

  • Where will they be installed? Working with Flock, we have identified suitable locations on private property where the solar-powered cameras and signage can be placed. The photo above is an example of one of the cameras. 

  • What do the cameras record? Flock’s cameras are not “surveillance” cameras. They do not shoot video. They take time stamped photographs. They focus on the license plates and unique characteristics of passing vehicles, recording the plate number, make, model and other vehicle identifiers. The Flock system immediately compares that information to a database of stolen vehicles and vehicles that have been used in crimes. The cameras do not record the face of the driver.

  • What is the length of the Flock contract? Two years

  • What happens if our association does not pay after any year of the contract? Flock can remove the cameras at the end of the two-year term at no cost. If payment is not made during the term, it can remove the cameras if we have no intention of paying anymore.

  • If the system detects a stolen car, are the police informed in real time? Yes, the police will receive a notification if we decide to share data with that agency. It is up to us to enable real time notification or just let UCAN's designated administrators view the data.

  • Does Flock have agreements in place to share data with both Berkeley and Oakland police (our neighborhood crosses the border between cities)? Yes, both agencies can be alerted from our cameras in real time. Flock has a memorandum of understanding with both OPD and BPD.

  • The camera data is deleted after 30 days, but is it permanently deleted, or can it be recovered for subpoena, other legal action, etc.? It’s permanently deleted.

  •  Can a private investigator obtain access to the info, with or without a subpoena? It’s possible that Flock may be required by law to submit data/evidence to an attorney, if they request it within 30 days of it being recorded.

  • What is the independently verified evidence that these camera systems reduce crime? While there are no definitive studies that prove these cameras reduce crime, there have been countless cases lately across the Bay Area in which suspects have been caught after their vehicles were detected by Flock. Here’s one such story: Studies show that apprehending criminals does prevent further crime, and there is anecdotal evidence that the cameras also act as a deterrent.

  • Since most criminals are using stolen cars or covered plates, do these cameras really make a difference? Stolen vehicles generate alerts to the police. If the plates are covered, designated UCAN neighborhood administrators can still search by date/time and filter for vehicles with no plates and provide description (make, model, color, etc.).

  • Can neighbors opt out of the system for their cars, so that their license plate and other data are not stored? Yes, Flock provides a web page for vehicles to be registered on the Opt-Out list.

  • If we opt out, does anyone see the info apart from our group administrators? No, no one. If you opt out, your vehicle data is deleted as soon as it is detected and is never reported to Flock or law enforcement agencies.

  • Can we opt out of police or other agencies receiving our data stream? Yes. This is a community decision, It's a setting controlled in the Flock system by our designated UCAN neighborhood administrators.  

  • How is camera maintenance handled? Flock is responsible for maintenance and monitors camera performance and wellness remotely (capture rate, battery life, solar power, etc). It will send an engineer if cameras show signs that attention is required or performance is not optimal. The customer is not required to check or maintain the cameras.

  • Can these cameras track my comings and goings? No. Flock’s cameras merely record the presence of a vehicle. If the vehicle is not reported stolen, that data is not transmitted to anyone and is deleted within a month. The system has no idea where you came from, where you have been or where you are going, just that a vehicle is in view of the camera at a specific moment in time.

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